Cue Operations
There is nonvolatile storage on the ES-SloMo for 1000 cues or 400
clips. These are numbered 000 – 999 or 000 - 399. The various
operations involving cues are as follows:
Basic Cue Operations
To Goto a Predefined Cue #
1. Enter the 1,2 or 3 digit number: the time will show on line
#2 of the display, while the entry is shown on line #1.
2. Press Enter. A locate command will be issued, and the top
line will revert to showing current time.
Note: If Preroll is enabled, that will be applied to time.
3. The next action will depend upon the Cue Operation mode
that the unit is configured for.
If in Cue and Stop mode, the controller does nothing.
If in Cue/Ply/Stop mode, the controller will send a Play
command when Mark In point is reached (minus any
Preroll), and will send a Stop command when the Mark
Out point is reached.
If in CuePlyStopSlo mode, the controller will send a
Variable Play command when Mark In point is reached
(minus any Preroll), and will send a Stop command
when the Mark Out point is reached.
4. Pressing the CLR/ESC button will exit the cue entering
process, but will allow the entered cue to remain "pending"
for possible Cue/Ply/Stop time capture operation.