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TriPod User Manual
AA0277.indd REV 04
System Start-up
To start the system, follow these steps:
1. Plug-in the Power Supply to the appropriate power source (see 1.5 “Power Requirements”).
2. Connect the components properly (see 2.3 – Connecting the components)
3. Rotate the red E-Stop Pushbutton clockwise to unlatch.
On power up, the system does a series of safety checks to ensure that the operator interface (controller)
is in a neutral position. If the joysticks are not centered, the system will display an error message. If the
joysticks are centered, the system locks the drive wheels and aligns the steering wheel in preparation for
the “Manual Drive” mode.
System Start-up Overrides
On start-up, three different start-up modes can be forced by applying power and simultaneously holding
combinations of the two pushbuttons as follows:
Left Pushbutton Hold On Power-up
Holding the left pushbutton on power-up will force the system to go directly to the “Diagnostic” mode of
Right Pushbutton Hold On Power-up
Holding the right pushbutton on power-up will force a recalibration of the joysticks. Joystick calibration
is performed by making sure that both joysticks are released while pressing the left pushbutton when
prompted. If the normal system start-up fails with a joystick problem, recalibrating the joysticks may solve
the problem.
Left & Right Pushbutton Hold On Power-up
Holding both the right and left pushbuttons on power up will force the current position of the rear steering
wheel to become the new straight driving position. If the crawler does not track straight ahead when no
steering is being applied, re-aligning the steering wheel may be done using this start-up option.
Placement of Crawler on Inspection Surface
To place the crawler on the surface to be inspected, use the flux
breaker mat (see Fig. 6) as a spacer between the wheels and the surface on which the crawler is to
drive. This is necessary to protect the electronic components within the crawler from damaging shock,
should the crawler be slammed directly onto the surface.
Do NOT handle the crawler using the umbilical cable. Use the provided
To place the crawler on the inspection surface:
1. Connect the crawler to the electrical system and turn
on the power. The crawler will home and enter the
Manual Drive
2. Place the mat on the surface.
3. Place the crawler on the mat with the umbilical
connection down. Ensure that the drive wheels are
flat on the mat.
4. Back the crawler down off of the mat. Do not drive
5. Remove the mat.
Figure 18 - Placement