Ammo 100LA “Light Artillery”
• P.Wheel CV In/Range
—Connect a CV input to adjust the oscillator Rate as if using the pitch-wheel
—Input effects are in addition to those applied by the Rate CV inputs
—Set the pitch-wheel range using the
knob (see above)
• Waveform CV In
has been set up to provide smooth cross-faded modulation between waveforms
—Best results are achieved by keeping the modulation to within the “similar LFO group”, so use very small input values
• Rate CV In
The top connector is the audio input jack for true FM; below is the CV input jack for CV rate modulation
—Both can be used at the same time; many of the included example synth Combinator patches add FM via the audio
input and vibrato via the CV input
—Use front panel
Rate CV In Amount
knob to adjust input level
• Depth CV In
The top connector is the audio input jack for true AM; below is the CV input jack for CV rate modulation
—Both can be used at the same time
—Use front panel
Depth CV In Amount
knob to adjust input level
• Phase CV In
CV input jack for phase modulation
—Use front panel
Phase CV In Amount
knob to adjust input level
• Output CV In
CV input jack and trim knob for master output control
• Bipolar CV1–4 Out
—Four separate outputs for bipolar CV values (-64 to +64)
—If available, select “Bipolar” as the CV input type of the target device
—Click the
radio button to the right of Bipolar CV Out 4 to invert its output (the active click area
extends well above and to the right of the LED itself, shown here in blue, so you don’t need to pre
cisely hit the small lamp directly)
• Unipolar CV1–4 Out
—Four separate outputs for unipolar CV values (0–64 / 0–127)
—If available, select “Unipolar” as the CV input type of the target device for full range 0–127, otherwise the usable
range is limited to just the positive Ammo output range
—Click the
radio button to the right of Unipolar CV Out 4 to invert its output (the active click area extends well
below and to the right of the LED itself, shown here in green, so you don’t need to precisely hit the small lamp directly)
• Audio Out 1–4
—Four identical audio outputs
The oscillator signal is sent to all CV and audio outputs regardless of which
you have selected; the internal signal path
is entirely at audio rate. The CV outputs downsample the audio signal to Reason’s standard 1/64 CV rate.