Changchun Jida Scola Co.,Ltd Boyi III Electronic Whiteboard Instraction Manual
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sure the battery electrodes are correct.
Setup of Electronic Whiteboard Software
It is necessary to set up the electronic whiteboard software in the computer used together with the
electronic whiteboard.
When setting up the electronic whiteboard software, please observe the following notes.
Do not connect the computer with a USB cable before completing the setup.
If a USB cable is connected to the computer before the first setup of the software (the device may have
no response), please pull out the USB cable and then connect again.
Do not connect two or more electronic whiteboards to the same computer (or faulty operation of the
computer may occur).
1. Turn on the computer power and start the Windows operating system.
2. Insert the attached CD-ROM into the CD-ROM driver and double-click the EWB Setup.exe on the disc to
activate the automatic setup of the setup procedure.
3. When the setup wizard appears, please operate according to the screen tip to continue.
Language selection--- click “OK” after selecting the language (Simplified Chinese/ English) you want.
Welcome interface--- click “Next” to continue