(e) Changing modes………………………………………….09
3. Snapshot Mode.........................................................10
3a.) List of Function……………………………………………....11
4. Snapshot Mode Tool Menu….…………………….12
4a.) List of Function………………………………………………12
5. Video Recording Mode
5a.) List of Function……………………………………………....14
6. Video Recording Tool Menu………………………15
6a.) List of Function………………………………………………15
7. Playback Mode (SET Mode)……………………...16
7a.) List of Function………………………………………………17
8. Playback Mode Tool Menu…………..……………18
8a.) List of Function………………………………………………18
9. Setup Mode………………………………………...19
9a.) List of Function………………………………………............20
10. Connecting to Computer, TV and HDTV.............21
11. Mass Storage Mode………………………………22
12. Troubleshooting…………………………………..23