BarDIMM Pro & BarDIMM Box – Intelligent Barcode Printing System
©2004-2006 Jetmobile
Page 46
23- Euro Currency Symbol and Additional Fonts
BarDIMM features the old HP Barcode & More cartridge (C2053A) fonts and some
scalable logos that can be used together with barcodes, on labels and other documents:
Euro symbols, manufacturing, electronics and safety symbols. Barcode & More fonts and
special logos are accessible through fonts, using standard PCL-5 font commands. To use
those fonts from Windows 3.X/95, a PCM file for the PCL driver is available from the
WEB site. The Euro symbols font is available on all HP LaserJet /
Business Ink Jet models, but the « Manufacturing and Safety Symbols » and « Electronics
and Safety Symbols » scalable logo fonts are not available in BarDIMM for HP LaserJet
4, 4Plus, 4Si, 4P, 4V and 4Si for technical reasons.
Euro and other currency symbols
Escape sequence:
is the symbol size in points (1/72th inch)
Manufacturing and safety symbols
Escape sequence:
is the symbol size in points (1/72th inch)
Special multi-characters symbols:
Green point
with text
with gray arrows
Recycling logo