BarDIMM Pro & BarDIMM Box – Intelligent Barcode Printing System
©2004-2006 Jetmobile
Page 44
Data Matrix™
Data Matrix is a high density 2-D matrix code developed by RVSI –
Acuity CiMatrix that can encode a lot of information in a very small
space. The Data Matrix symbology has extensive error correction
capabilities using ECC200 error checking. A Data Matrix symbol can
store between one and 3116 numeric or 2335 alphanumeric characters, and is scalable
between a 1-mil square to a 14-inch square.
Since the overall size of the Data Matrix symbol is infinitely scaleable, the Data Matrix
symbols can be read at virtually any distance, given the right combination of Data Matrix
size and reading equipment.
BarDIMM can scale the code with the definition of the small black square height/width.
BarDIMM will automatically optimize the encoding (binary, text, digits) by analyzing the
data on the data.
For the options for the Data Matrix symbol, please read carefully the PCL parameters
descriptions in the
Aztec Code™
Aztec Code is a 2D matrix barcode symbology developed by Welch
Allyn designed to combine the best characteristics of several 1
generation symbologies, with special attention paid to ease of printing,
ease of finding in any orientation, allowance for field distortion, high data
security with user-selected redundancy, and efficient storage over the
range from small to large data messages. The smallest Aztec Code
symbol encodes 13 numeric or 12 alphabetic characters, while the largest Aztec Code
symbol encodes 3832 numeric or 3067 alphabetic characters or 1914 bytes of binary data.
BarDIMM can scale the code with the definition of the small black square height/width.
For the options for the Aztec Code symbol, please read carefully the PCL parameters
descriptions in the
Codablock F
Codablock F is a 2D barcode developed by
ELMICRON, as an extension of CODE 128. Within its
capacities, it is possible to cut a given CODE 128 into
several pieces and to arrange them in a multirows
symbol. A Codablock symbol may contain 2 to 44 rows of 1 to 61 characters (up to 122
for numeric data per row), and supports most features from Code 128.
For more information on code 128 features, please read Code 128 data in that manual.
For the options for the Codablock symbol, please read carefully the PCL parameters
descriptions in the