BarDIMM Pro & BarDIMM Box – Intelligent
Barcode Printing System
©2004-2006 Jetmobile
Page 20
8- OCR-A and OCR-B fonts
PCL Escape sequences to call those fixed-size fonts:
This table shows the OCR-A character set.
The “Barcode&More” OCR-B font character table is the same.
9- How to use BarDIMM
Barcodes are activated using a font-like escape sequence, generated:
* from specific developments, where developers write code that generate PCL code with
BarDIMM functionality,
* from standard ERP software, which feature a BarDIMM driver (like SAP R/3, Oracle,
Peoplesoft, BAAN). Please read the SAP R/3 and Windows chapters in that manual for
more information. OSS notes are available from the
WEB site.
* from MS Windows. Please read the Windows support chapter later in that manual.
* please make sure you read carefully the chapter “ Bar Code Formats Characteristics:
Usage and Format ” at the end of the manual to understand fully the particularities of the
barcode you need to generate.