Parameter setup and measuring operation
LDM52 OEM, Release 003, Revision 000
QA – Analog output
The analog output enables the normed, analog transmission of distance data across large dis-
tances using a two-wire line. The current of 4...20 mA impressed in the line is proportional to the
measured distance within an adjustable distance interval. Parameterization is done via the serial
The current to be put out when faulty measurements occur is parameterized using the command
Properties of the analog output:
4 mA ... 20 mA
Indication in case of an error: 3 mA or 21 mA or last measured value (selectable via the
parameter SE)
Resolution: 12 bit D/A converter
Where current/ voltage is to be converted, a load resistance of 100 ohms < R < 500 ohms/ 0.5 W
is to be switched between current output QA and GND.
Capacitive load
< 10 nF
Operating voltage > 12
The lower and upper distance value (limit) has to be defined for the analog output.
Lower limit
x = 4 mA
Upper limit
y = 20 mA
QAx y
Range of parameter x:
-5000000 … 5000000
Range of parameter y:
-5000000 … 5000000
0 100000 (0 … 10 m)
The measurement window MW also applies to the analog output.
The LDM52 OEM does not check the QA settings for plausibility. The user is responsible for cor-
rect parameterization!
Example 1:
A measuring range from 1 m up to 15 m shall be specified.
1 m should be the lowest current.
x = 1 m = 4 mA / y = 15 m = 20 mA