Parameter setup and measuring operation
LDM52 OEM, Release 003, Revision 000
- Prints the temperature of the device.
- Prints all parameters.
- Resets the parameters to firmware defaults.
SA (%u)
- Prints/Changes average. Co-domain: [1, 50].
MF (%f)
- Prints/Changes measurement frequency. Co-domain: [0.0, 100.0], (0 == auto).
MW (%u %u)
- Prints/Changes the expected ranged for measurements in 'mm / 10'.
MUN (%s) - Prints/Changes the unit of the measurements. Co-domain: {mm, cm, dm, m, in/8, in/16, in, ft, yd}.
OF (%d)
- Prints/Changes the offset in 'mm / 10'. Co-domain: [-5000000, 5000000].
SD (%u %b %b %b)
- Prints/Changes the output format.
Q1 (%d %u %d %b) - Prints/Changes the parameterization of switching output Q1.
Q2 (%d %u %d %b) - Prints/Changes the parameterization of switching output Q2.
Q3 (%d %u %d %b) - Prints/Changes the parameterization of switching output Q3.
QA (%u %u)
- Prints/Changes the parameterization of the analog output QA.
TRI (%u %u)
- Prints/Changes the parameterization of the input trigger TRI.
TRO (%u %u)
- Prints/Changes the parameterization of the output trigger TRO.
BR (%u)
- Prints/Changes the baudrate of the serial port. Co-domain:
SB (%f) - Prints/Changes the stopbits of the serial port. Co-domain: {0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0}.
AS (%u) - Prints/Changes the autostart commands. Co-domain: {1 .. 12}.
TE (%u) - Prints/Changes the terminator. Co-domain: {1 .. 10}.
SE (%u) - Prints/Changes the behaviour on errors. Co-domain: {0 .. 2}.
SP (%u) - Prints/Changes the character that separates the values (e.g. distance and temperature). Co-domain:{1 .. 5}
SF (%f)
- Prints/Changes the scaling factor. To use [MUN] set "SF 0". Co-domain: [(+/-)0.001, (+/-)10.000].
HE (%d %d) - Prints/Changes the heating thresholds.
MCT (%b) - Prints/Changes the tracking mode, started from the menu. Co-domain: {0 == standard, 1 == continous}.
**Operation Mode**
- Restarts the device (does not reset parameters).
- Deactivates laser diode.
- Starts single (precise) measurement.
- Activates/Deactivates tracking mode.
- Activates/Deactivates contineous tracking mode.
- Deactivates tracking modes.
- Activates laser diode.
- Stops heating till next restart.