glass can tolerate a quicker ramp rate in a fiber kiln, than glass sitting on a thick clay shelf with
posts. Firing on fiber also allows the glass to cool much quicker.
Brick kilns also absorb a tremendous amount of heat and then hold that heat that slows the cooling
of the kiln. This absorption of heat energy takes time and slows the kilns rate on the way up and
then slows the kilns descent back to room temperature. There is nothing wrong with slow,
(however, a fiber kiln can shave hours off a firing and conserve electricity, for those of us who
don't want to wait all day to see our finished glass projects). Fiber kilns absorb little heat, so that
the glass is able to absorb the majority of the heat generated, and get the job done faster!
Another great benefit to fiber: it is extremely LIGHT WEIGHT compared to a brick kiln the same
size. The Bonnie Glo weighs about 25 pounds. It's brick brother (the 15/6) weighs about 70
pounds. If you travel or teach, or just don't want to need help every time you need to move your
kiln, this is the best choice.
Benefit: If a firing can be completed in three hours versus 10-12 hours for some suggested firing
schedules then the electric cost are 75% less, and the wear and tear on the coils and relays is greatly
Kiln Wash and Firing on the Kiln Floor
Apply kiln wash to the kiln floor according to the directions included. Do not force it dry with
heat or apply thick coats. Apply it only to the floor, being cautious not to get any on the coils. .
Using shelf paper gives a smoother backing to your glass and to offers the most protection to the
floor of the kiln. The kiln wash that is applied to the floor is a back-up in case a piece of glass pops
in the firing and jumps off the shelf paper. If shelf paper is not to be used, we recommend using,
fiberboard, lava cloth or Kaiser Lee board to help protect your kiln's floor. The kiln wash is the
back-up to the other firing surfaces. If a mishap occurs, the replacement of the kiln bottom is
expensive. A clay shelf and posts can be ordered and used anytime (but you'll need to use slower,
more traditional fusing schedules to accommodate those items).
SAFTY FIRST when removing used shelf paper:
Shelf paper is a great product, but the dust
from the used shelf paper is a problem for all of us. We ask that you be cautious and follow the
shelf papers directions for cleanup. Powder residue from kiln wash or shelf paper is not good to
breathe. To minimize dust, we like to lay a wet paper towel over the used shelf paper while gently
and slowly pressing the paper towel down to collect the fibers in the wetness of the towel (trying to
make no dust). Vacuum cleaners with a HEPA filter can work, but may still release these super
fine dust particles into the air right through the filter. Papyrus Shelf paper holds together better
than most and can be reused 2-3 times. You can also re-freshen kiln wash between firings by
sifting a light dry coat of the powder over the dried painted coats of kiln wash using a fine mesh
strainer. Please contact your shelf paper supplier for other safety precautions for their shelf paper
products. Always wear an approved dust mask for fine powders when working with kiln wash and
used shelf papers.