Packliste ..............................................................................
1. Demontage der Türverkleidung...............................................
2. Montage des Hochtöners .......................................................
3. Paneelanpassung ..................................................................
4. Bearbeiten der Türverkleidung / Montage der Türpaneele..........
5. Frequenzweichenm Lautsprecherleitungen .................
6. Dämmung der Türverkleidung / Fahrzeugtüren ........................
7. Montage der Türverkleidung ..................................................
8. Lautsprecheranschluss ..........................................................
Lautsprecheranschluss - Schaltbild ........................................
9. Montage der Lautsprecher-Abdeckblenden .............................
Technische Informationen .....................................................
Service / Fehlersuche............................................................
Garantie .............................................................................
Packliste ..............................................................................
1. Demontage der Türverkleidung...............................................
2. Montage des Hochtöners .......................................................
3. Paneelanpassung ..................................................................
4. Bearbeiten der Türverkleidung / Montage der Türpaneele..........
5. Frequenzweichenm Lautsprecherleitungen .................
6. Dämmung der Türverkleidung / Fahrzeugtüren ........................
7. Montage der Türverkleidung ..................................................
8. Lautsprecheranschluss ..........................................................
Lautsprecheranschluss - Schaltbild ........................................
9. Montage der Lautsprecher-Abdeckblenden .............................
Technische Informationen .....................................................
Service / Fehlersuche............................................................
Garantie .............................................................................
Steffen Kretzschmar
Sattlerei / Produktionsablauf
Durchwahl: - 69
75151 - Audi A 4
- 14 -
75151 - Audi A 4
- 1 -
Technische Fragen: Info-Hotline: 0711 - 77 97 87 - 87
Wir danken für Ihre Unterstützung !
Mirko Schwarz
Produktentwicklung / Qualität
Durchwahl: - 67
Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!
Sehr geehrter Kunde,
Wir haben uns sehr bemüht unsere neuen Montageanleitungen ausführlicher und
“Schritt für Schritt” zu erklären.
Ihre Tipps und Anregungen helfen uns künftige Unklarheiten oder Fehlinter-
pretationen weiter auszuschließen.
Teilen Sie uns deshalb mit, was Ihnen nicht gefällt oder was wir noch ändern sollten.
Marc Sitter
Versand / Service
Durchwahl: - 68
Marc Sitter
Versand / Service
Durchwahl: - 68
Die folgenden Hinweise sollen Ihnen dabei helfen, Fehler oder Störungen selbst zu
beheben. Wenn folgende Abhilfemaßnahmen nicht greifen, rufen Sie uns bitte an:
Was kann es sein ... mögliche Ursache / Lösung
wenn’s nicht richtig klingt
Tieftöner verpolt ( Seite 10)
Frequenzweichen falsch angeschlossen ( Seite 11)
Türverkleidung und Regenschutzfolie
nicht ausgeschnitten ( Seite 7+9)
Verstärker zu wenig Leistung ( Seite 13)
wenn’s nicht richtig passt
Fixpunkte Türpaneelanpassung ( Seite 6)
Montage der Paneele auf die TV ( Seite 7)
Abdeckungen nicht haften
Hinweise Seite 12 beachten!
Dämmung s. Hinweise Seite 8
Selbsthilfe und Fehlersuche
I n h a l t s v e r z e i c h n i s
Besonders wichtige Hinweise enthalten folgende Markierung:
Bitte folgen Sie den Anweisungen der Montageanleitung
“Schritt für Schritt”
und prüfen Sie den Packungsinhalt
Packing list .......................................................................... 2
1. Disassembly of the door lining .............................................. 3
2. Installation midrange and tweeter in the dashboard ................ 4
3. Panel alignment ................................................................... 5
4. Handling of doorlining / Installation door panel ..................... 6
5. speaker cables / Handling of car doors .................................. 7
6. Insulation of the door lining / car doors ................................. 8
7. Installation of the door lining onto the car doors .................... 9
8. Crossover circuit - Speaker connection .................................. 10
Lodspeaker wiring diagram .................................................. 11
9. Installation of the speaker-grills ............................................ 12
Technical Information .......................................................... 13
Service / fault diagnoses ....................................................... 14
Guarantee .......................................................................... 15
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 1 -
C o n t e n t s
Particularly important notes contain the following remarks:
Please follow the installation instructions
“step by step”
and check the package contents
Steffen Kretzschmar
Saddlery / Completion
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 14 -
Technical questions Hotline: 0049-711-77 97 87-87
We thank you for your support!
Mirko Schwarz
It is our pleasure to help you!
Dear customer,
We have taken great care to explain the procedures in our installation instructions
more detailed and “step by step”.
Your tips and suggestions help us for the future to eliminate uncertainties and
misinterpretation. Therefore, please inform us. what you would like to be improved
or what we should still change.
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
Technical questions: Hotline 00 49 71 58 / 9 56 99-0
Packing list .......................................................................... 2
1. Disassembly of the door lining .............................................. 3
2. Installation midrange and tweeter in the dashboard ................ 4
3. Panel alignment ................................................................... 5
4. Handling of doorlining / Installation door panel ..................... 6
5. speaker cables / Handling of car doors .................................. 7
6. Insulation of the door lining / car doors ................................. 8
7. Installation of the door lining onto the car doors .................... 9
8. Crossover circuit - Speaker connection .................................. 10
Lodspeaker wiring diagram .................................................. 11
9. Installation of the speaker-grills ............................................ 12
Technical Information .......................................................... 13
Service / fault diagnoses ....................................................... 14
Guarantee .......................................................................... 15
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 1 -
C o n t e n t s
Particularly important notes contain the following remarks:
Please follow the installation instructions
“step by step”
and check the package contents
Steffen Kretzschmar
Saddlery / Completion
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 14 -
Technical questions Hotline: 0049-711-77 97 87-87
We thank you for your support!
Mirko Schwarz
It is our pleasure to help you!
Dear customer,
We have taken great care to explain the procedures in our installation instructions
more detailed and “step by step”.
Your tips and suggestions help us for the future to eliminate uncertainties and
misinterpretation. Therefore, please inform us. what you would like to be improved
or what we should still change.
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
Technical questions: Hotline 00 49 71 58 / 9 56 99-0
Packing list .......................................................................... 2
1. Disassembly of the door lining .............................................. 3
2. Installation midrange and tweeter in the dashboard ................ 4
3. Panel alignment ................................................................... 5
4. Handling of doorlining / Installation door panel ..................... 6
5. speaker cables / Handling of car doors .................................. 7
6. Insulation of the door lining / car doors ................................. 8
7. Installation of the door lining onto the car doors .................... 9
8. Crossover circuit - Speaker connection .................................. 10
Lodspeaker wiring diagram .................................................. 11
9. Installation of the speaker-grills ............................................ 12
Technical Information .......................................................... 13
Service / fault diagnoses ....................................................... 14
Guarantee .......................................................................... 15
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 1 -
C o n t e n t s
Particularly important notes contain the following remarks:
Please follow the installation instructions
“step by step”
and check the package contents
Steffen Kretzschmar
Saddlery / Completion
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 14 -
Technical questions Hotline: 0049-711-77 97 87-87
We thank you for your support!
Mirko Schwarz
It is our pleasure to help you!
Dear customer,
We have taken great care to explain the procedures in our installation instructions
more detailed and “step by step”.
Your tips and suggestions help us for the future to eliminate uncertainties and
misinterpretation. Therefore, please inform us. what you would like to be improved
or what we should still change.
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
Technical questions: Hotline 00 49 71 58 / 9 56 99-0
Packing list .......................................................................... 2
1. Disassembly of the door lining .............................................. 3
2. Installation midrange and tweeter in the dashboard ................ 4
3. Panel alignment ................................................................... 5
4. Handling of doorlining / Installation door panel ..................... 6
5. speaker cables / Handling of car doors .................................. 7
6. Insulation of the door lining / car doors ................................. 8
7. Installation of the door lining onto the car doors .................... 9
8. Crossover circuit - Speaker connection .................................. 10
Lodspeaker wiring diagram .................................................. 11
9. Installation of the speaker-grills ............................................ 12
Technical Information .......................................................... 13
Service / fault diagnoses ....................................................... 14
Guarantee .......................................................................... 15
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 1 -
C o n t e n t s
Particularly important notes contain the following remarks:
Please follow the installation instructions
“step by step”
and check the package contents
Steffen Kretzschmar
Saddlery / Completion
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 14 -
Technical questions Hotline: 0049-711-77 97 87-87
We thank you for your support!
Mirko Schwarz
It is our pleasure to help you!
Dear customer,
We have taken great care to explain the procedures in our installation instructions
more detailed and “step by step”.
Your tips and suggestions help us for the future to eliminate uncertainties and
misinterpretation. Therefore, please inform us. what you would like to be improved
or what we should still change.
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
Technical questions: Hotline 00 49 71 58 / 9 56 99-0
Packing list .......................................................................... 2
1. Disassembly of the door lining .............................................. 3
2. Installation midrange and tweeter in the dashboard ................ 4
3. Panel alignment ................................................................... 5
4. Handling of doorlining / Installation door panel ..................... 6
5. speaker cables / Handling of car doors .................................. 7
6. Insulation of the door lining / car doors ................................. 8
7. Installation of the door lining onto the car doors .................... 9
8. Crossover circuit - Speaker connection .................................. 10
Lodspeaker wiring diagram .................................................. 11
9. Installation of the speaker-grills ............................................ 12
Technical Information .......................................................... 13
Service / fault diagnoses ....................................................... 14
Guarantee .......................................................................... 15
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 1 -
C o n t e n t s
Particularly important notes contain the following remarks:
Please follow the installation instructions
“step by step”
and check the package contents
Steffen Kretzschmar
Saddlery / Completion
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 14 -
Technical questions Hotline: 0049-711-77 97 87-87
We thank you for your support!
Mirko Schwarz
It is our pleasure to help you!
Dear customer,
We have taken great care to explain the procedures in our installation instructions
more detailed and “step by step”.
Your tips and suggestions help us for the future to eliminate uncertainties and
misinterpretation. Therefore, please inform us. what you would like to be improved
or what we should still change.
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
Technical questions: Hotline 00 49 71 58 / 9 56 99-0
Packing list .......................................................................... 2
1. Disassembly of the door lining .............................................. 3
2. Installation midrange and tweeter in the dashboard ................ 4
3. Panel alignment ................................................................... 5
4. Handling of doorlining / Installation door panel ..................... 6
5. speaker cables / Handling of car doors .................................. 7
6. Insulation of the door lining / car doors ................................. 8
7. Installation of the door lining onto the car doors .................... 9
8. Crossover circuit - Speaker connection .................................. 10
Lodspeaker wiring diagram .................................................. 11
9. Installation of the speaker-grills ............................................ 12
Technical Information .......................................................... 13
Service / fault diagnoses ....................................................... 14
Guarantee .......................................................................... 15
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 1 -
C o n t e n t s
Particularly important notes contain the following remarks:
Please follow the installation instructions
“step by step”
and check the package contents
Steffen Kretzschmar
Saddlery / Completion
75110 VW Bus T 4
- 14 -
Technical questions Hotline: 0049-711-77 97 87-87
We thank you for your support!
Mirko Schwarz
It is our pleasure to help you!
Dear customer,
We have taken great care to explain the procedures in our installation instructions
more detailed and “step by step”.
Your tips and suggestions help us for the future to eliminate uncertainties and
misinterpretation. Therefore, please inform us. what you would like to be improved
or what we should still change.
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
Marc Sitter
Export / Service
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
The following notes serve to help troubleshoot and eliminate faults or malfunctions
on your own. If the following measures are not effective, please call us.
What can it be if ... possible cause/ solution doesn’t sound right.
wrong polarity on the subwoofers ( page 10)
crosover circuit attached wrong ( page 11)
Doorlining and moisture protection foil
not cut out ( page 6+9)
amplifier doesn’t have enough power ( page 13)
amplifier connection doesn’t fit correctly.
door panel customization ( page 5)
installation of the panels on the door lining (page 6)
.....grills do not hold.
observe notes on page 12!
insulation, see notes on page 8
Self-help and fault diagnosis
Technical questions: Hotline 00 49 71 58 / 9 56 99-0