Rate of fi re (sec):
gun rate of fi re per second.
Rate of fi re (min):
gun rate of fi re per minute.
Last trigger pull shots:
the number of BBs fi red at
the last trigger pull.
Pre-cocking time:
time to move piston to compre-
ssed position (it will reduce Semi cycle time).
Semi cycle time:
time between motor start and
piston release.
Auto cycle time:
time between shots in a burst whe-
re the RoF has already reached its maximum value.
Motor start current:
peak current when motor
starts spinning.
Average semi current:
current during fi rst shot.
Average auto current:
current during burst fi re.
Mosfet temperature:
actual mosfet temperature,
the cut-off temperature is 75 °C.
Processor temperature:
actual processor tempera-
ture, the cut-off temperature is 75 °C.
Signal strength:
shows the signal strength, the
smaller the dBm drop, the stronger the signal.
Battery voltage:
It shows actual voltage value.
line indicates when gun won‘t shoot. In
it will shoot with warning vibration. In
is eve-
rything OK and
is discharge from 100% charge.
Power up time:
how long is the battery connected.