© 2013, JCM American, Corporation
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Lecture Notes
July, 2013
Perform the following steps to perform the VEGA's Off-Line Banknote
Acceptance Test.
1. Ensure the VEGA's power is OFF.
2. Set DS1, Switches #1, #3 & #5 ON.
3. Apply power to the VEGA.
4. Set DS1, Switch #1 OFF. This begins the Off-line Banknote Acceptance Test.
Wait for the Front Panel LED to indicate Stand-by Mode, and then insert
Banknotes. Specific denominations are identified by Front Panel LED blink
sequences. Refer to the specific Country’s Software Information Sheet for
acceptable denomination value settings.
Error and Reject Code Tables
Table 10 lists the various VEGA Error Code LED combinations.
Table 10
LED Error Codes
Possible Cause
Color Flashes
Color Flashes
Yellow 1 (300)
Yellow 1 (300)
ROM Error
ROM malfunction. Re-download Software. Change the CPU Circuit Board.
Yellow 2 (300)\
Yellow 2 (300)
RAM Error
RAM malfunction. Change the CPU CircuitBoard
Red 3 (300)\
White 3 (300)
Feed Motor Low Speed
During Feed Motor operation, no pulse input exists greater than the rated value.
Red 3 (300)\
White 5 (300)
Feed Motor High Speed
During Feed Motor operation, no pulse input exists greater than the rated value.
Red 3 (300)\
White 7 (300)
Feed Motor Lock-up
During Feed Motor operation, no pulse input exists greater than the rated value.
Red 3 (300)\
Purple 5 (300)
Stacker Motor Lock-up
During Stacker Motor operation, no pulse inputs exist greater that the rated value.
Red 3 (300)\
Purple 7 (300)
Stacker Motor Gear Problem Pusher Mechanism stays in its home position while Stacker Motor is operating.
Red 3 (300)\
Blue 5 (300)
Banknote Transport Slips
An abnormal Banknote transport error occurs when transporting or rejecting
Red 3 (300)\
Blue 7 (300)
Transport Times Out
Transportation locks-up or runs to slow.
Red 3 (300)\
Red 3 (300)\
Abnormal Timing Response Sensors detect Banknotes remain in-path or none exist during abnormal timing.
Red 3 (300)\
Red 5 (300)\
Cash Box Seating
Cash Box Sensors detected a Banknote remains in-path or a Cash Box is not
properly seated
Red 3 (300)\
Purple 3 (300)
Pusher Mechanism Position Pusher Mechanism Home Sensor detected that the Pusher Mechanism is not
presently seated at the Home end position.
Red 3 (300)\
Orange 3 (300)
Stacker Full
When the Pusher Mechanism moves toward stacking, the Stacker-Full Sensor
determined that the time taken is longer than the specified value for the function.
Red 3 (300)\
Cyan 3 (100)
Operational Pause
Intake Sensor detects a Banknote at a position where it cannot be returned while in
the transport process.
NOTE: If an Error or Reject condition occurs, refer to Table 10 or Table 11
respectively to identify the cause of the malfunction.