Fan -
The fan hole in the rear of the unit and the air inlet grate at the front of the unit
should remain unobstructed at all times. Proper airflow is essential to keep the tubes
and surrounding circuitry at a reasonable operating temperature.
Do not defeat the fan
for any reason.
Power Supplies:
Both Analog and Digital power supplies should be kept away from the main unit
and their chassises should not touch each other, the DA8-V nor any other object . Both
units should rest on their rubber feet at all times. The analog supply’s fan ports should
be completely unobstructed and away from objects that generate and/or are susceptible
to heat. Proper airflow is important to keep the rectifier tube cool and functioning for
its expected tube life.
Do not defeat the fans for any reason.
The rectifier tube included with the analog power supply is shipped wrapped in
bubble wrap inside the supply enclosure itself. The bottom 6 screws should be re-
moved, the bubble wrap discarded, and the tube inserted in its socket. The bottom
plate should then be replaced and all 6 screws refitted.
Do not perform this operation
with power applied.
The power supplies should never be connected to the wall without
all their lids secure and connections to the DA8-V made first. Failure to
do so can result in serious injury.
JCF Audio
J C F A u d i o
D A 8 - V