AES/EBU Input -
The popularity of DB25 for bi-directional AES/EBU communication presents a
unique challenge to the user attempting to connect devices to a system that only utilize
one direction (as in the case of the DA8-V). The most common situation is that one will
go to plug in the converter for the first time and find that their DAW already has some-
thing connected to it’s AES/EBU DB25 port. Since AES/EBU is, for the most part, a
single source/single load system, a likely scenario would be that the user is using
what’s there already to get information from an A/D converter or other digital devices
into their DAW. In these cases we have offered the following solution:
The top DB25 port is the
Standard Input port
(see photo above). The included
AES/EBU cable can connect any Tascam® AES/EBU port to the DA8-V’s top port. The
bottom port is a
Courtesy Thru port
that can take the previously existing cabling to
other devices if necessary.
JCF Audio
J C F A u d i o
D A 8 - V