The DA8-V is an 8 channel Digital to Analog converter that utilizes the AKM AK4359 in combi-
nation with a tube line stage that was inspired by the Ampex 351 reproduce circuitry.
The unit accepts the industry standard AES/EBU protocol on a DB25 connector with an addi-
tional courtesy turn-around. The AES/EBU DB25’s follow the most commonly used “triangle”
or Tascam® pinout. The AES/EBU inputs operate in single-wire mode exclusively at all sam-
pling frequencies. The DA8-V derives its sync source from the incoming AES/EBU stream un-
der all conditions.
The DA8-V has two analog outputs each coming from two separate, floating sources (with fac-
tory configuration). This can aid in installations where the outputs of the DA8-V must be con-
nected to multiple devices.
0 dBu is referenced to 0.775 vrms for this manual
Front Panel Controls
Level Adujstments
- These level adjustments for the output of the device. The fully clock
wise position provides no attenuation and the fully counter-clockwise position provides ap-
proximately 20 db of attenuation. Calibration level details are listed in the
Receiver Error
- This LED indicates that the AES/EBU input signal to the unit is invalid.
- This switch must be in the X1 / X2 position for operation up to and including
96kHz. The switch must be in the X4 position for operation @ 176.4kHz and 192kHz.
- This switch resets the digital section of the device.
JCF Audio
J C F A u d i o
D A 8 - V