Manual scene: Triggers by a press of a button in the web interface or on an
infrared remote control
Timer: Triggers at fixed points of time or by astro function
Temperature: Triggers by over- or underrun of inside or outside temperature
By RF transmitter: Triggers by RF signals e.g. from a push button or motion
In the Actions section you can select actions which are performed when a scenario has
been triggered. Among others the selection consists of:
Actuator commands
Infrared commands
SONOS commands
Network commands
Long-term and short-term pauses
Marker commands
Manual scene
To create a scenario, which is triggered by a button in the web interface or by a button
on an infrared remote control, a click on the Add button is sufficient. Right after the click
a new scenario appears in the table on the left side. A scene number is increased
automatically. In the right column of the table a short description can be entered. This
will be used to display the scenario in the web interface.