JBL Performance Series RS-232 Serial Protocol Definitions
Appendix F: AV1 Input Ids
AV1 Input Name AV1 Input Id
DVD1 1
DVD2 2
TV 3
CD 6
Application Notes and Examples
6.4 Box initializations
6.4.1 AV1
When the AV1 is powered on, it will initialize the serial port, transmit the DC_WAKEUP Packet, and look
for an ACK from the HOST. Currently, if an ACK is not received, the AV1 continues to operate. This
message is mostly for the HOST to know if the AV1 is in an operational state.
6.4.2 HOST
When the HOST issues a HOST_WAKEUP Packet, the AV1 responds with an ACK and then transmits
the current FPD buffer with a DC_FPD notification. If the Host issues a HOST_WAKEUP command and
does not receive the ACK, it should assume it is not connected or the AV1 is not capable of responding
on the RS232 and therefore further serial communications will not be possible. If the AV1 RS232 is
capable of communicating, the AV1 will respond to a HOST_WAKEUP Command in any “Powered up”
state including standby.
6.5 Simple System Control & System Status
The HOST can control the system via the IR commands thus making any direct IR code a direct
command. Because of some limitations in the IR codes, the HOST also has direct control over the
system volume, balance, fader, effect selection, zone 2 volume, balance and input selection through
dedicated commands.
6.6 Examples:
The following examples show the bytes transmitted for the AV1 Get Unit Configuration, and Send AV1
IR Commands. They are shown, as they should be transmitted from left to right.