JBL Performance Series RS-232 Serial Protocol Definitions
1 Documents
The following document should also be used with this document to understand how this protocol can be
used with an AV1.
070-16329 AV1 User Guide
1.1 Change List
No changes at this time.
2 Definitions
User Parameter: A user changeable variable that stores a specific value that describes an operating
condition for the AV1 system. HOST: The device initiating or receiving the serial communication packets
to/from the
AV1. AV1: The JBL product receiving or transmitting the serial communication packets to/from the HOST.
Nonvolatile RAM: The area of memory in a AV1 that stores users adjustable parameters. The Nonvolatile
RAM is battery backed, to maintain values during AV1 power down.
3 Abbreviations
SOP Start of Packet
EOP End of Packet
ACK Acknowledge
NAK No Acknowledge
FPD Front Panel Display
4 General Description
The intention of the AV1 serial port and protocol communication is for an external connected HOST to
control and obtain status from the AV1. The protocol has been designed to focus on two specific goals. The
first is HOST uploading and downloading of AV1 configuration, and system/effect setups. The second is
HOST control of basic user adjustable parameters. (i.e. input, volume, balance…)
The AV1 uses simple notification, command, response and acknowledgment packets to have
communication transactions with a given HOST. This protocol is designed for point-to-point communication
between a HOST and AV1. The AV1 Protocol is a 3 layered system. The AV1 serial protocol allows for the
AV1, or the HOST, to initiate a communication transaction. Most transactions are initiated by the HOST.
AV1 then responds to the HOST command with either a response or acknowledgment packet. There are a
few asynchronous notifications that AV1 initiates indicating system changes. Each transaction initiated must