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After cleaning the lower combustion chamber carefully set the grid back into the correct position.
Please make sure the injector block is clean, otherwise it could infl uence the draught! Insert the injector block
with the hole on the front side pointing towards the front door.
Cleaning the glass
Clean the glass with a damp cloth, newsprint, or damp paper rubbed in ashes. You can also use
ordinary oven cleaners. Do not clean the glass while the fi re is working and do not use abrasive sponges
or abrasive chemicals.
Clean all other external parts with water and soap only. Never use alcohol or aggressive cleaning liquids.
For all wood fi res, fl ue cleaning must be done regularly to avoid serious fl ue fi res. Frequently used fi res
should be cleaned at least once a year (some sooner). The cleaning rate, however, depends on the burning
habits of the individual operating the wood fi re and the fuel used.
It is recommended that fl ue sweeping be done by a professional chimney sweep. Chimney sweeping is a
specialist task and competent professional sweeps are available throughout the country. When the fl ue is
cleaned it is recommended that other parts, such as baffl es and ceramic insulation materials are checked.
Flue systems should be checked at least once or twice a heating season and may require checking more
often if the fuel or operation of the appliance is incorrect. When a fl ue system becomes excessively blocked
or requires frequent cleaning, advice should be sought to investigate the installation and the operation of
the fi re. Flue pipes can deteriorate very quickly with incorrect fi ring.