page 13
To keep your fi re burning clean and effi cient it is important that you carry out regular maintenance.
General maintenance checks should include the following:-
ASH REMOVAL – Due to the high effi ciency of your Jayline fi re, ash removal should only be necessary
every few weeks. Ashes can be removed easily through the fi re door when the fi re is at its lowest, such as
fi rst thing in the morning, or when it is completely out. Always use a metal container to remove ash from
your fi re as ash can maintain high temperatures for several days. Jayline fi res work best when a small
amount of ash (approximately 20mm deep) is left in the fi rebox after cleaning. This insulates the bottom
and prevents the base of the fi rebox overheating and burning out. In fact, building up the ash bed helps
extend the long burn cycle, while reducing the ash bed encourages greater heat output.
SURFACES – Jayline wood fi res have high temperature painted surfaces which just need wiping to clean
when the fi re is cold.
FIREBOX – Check the fi rebricks, top baffl e and interior surfaces. These parts are subjected to
considerably high temperatures and stress and some parts will eventually need replacing.
DOORS – Check all gaskets used for wear and replace if necessary. Adjust door fi tting if required.
LUBRICATION – All moving parts should be lubricated with graphite grease every couple of months.
REMOVAL OF FASCIA FOR CLEANING – The fascia is held on to the fi re box outer case by 4 ball studs,
that are all pushed into locating holes and clips. It is important to remove the fascia carefully so as not
to scratch the hi-temp paint. Instructions on how to do this follow:
* Remove the air control knob by jiggling side to side while pulling.
* The fascia only needs to come out by 10-20mm so to do this, leave the fi rebox door closed, place
both hands under one side of the ash lip and pull fi rmly, then pull the other side. Be sure not to pull
too far, as you only need to unlock the ball studs.
* Once the bottom studs are free, place your fi ngers behind the fascia near the top at each side and
pull toward you – again only 10-20mm.
* Now the fascia is unlocked from the ball studs you will need to open the fi re box door so the handle
won’t damage the paint on the fascia as you take it away from the fi rebox.
* Now the fascia is off , remove any items that should not be around the fi rebox (a torch will help you
see into the dark space), then vacuum away any dust and debris etc.
* Re-install the Fascia in the reverse order and give the fascia a fi rm push at all 4 corners to ensure a
secure fi t.