Command Line Interface
Serial Interfacing Commands
LINK FHOP and LINK CHAN commands can be processed only if Frequency Map is defined.
Auto-scanning may not start automatically, only when scanning requested via CLI command (see
LINK CHAN 0 and STATE commands).
The frequency defined by CHAN parameter is not valid if Frequency Hoping mode is selected.
The radio link with GMSK and 4FSK modulations are used by Non-ArWest protocols only.
Enabling FEC via LINK FEC command provides different options for different protocols:
- Enables Read-Solomon encoding for frame’s header used by ArWest proprietary protocols
- Enables Hamming encoding for Trimble and Pacific Crest compatible protocols
- Enables Trellis encoding for Satel compatible protocol
For ArWest proprietary protocols, the Read-Solomon FEC encoding is always applied to data
“Half Duplex” Base and “Half Duplex” Remote protocols are not supported in current release.
LINK ADDR and LINK CLKCORR commands are not recommended for using on site of End Users.
3. Serial Interfacing Commands
3.1. DPORT
The DPORT is an object that responsible for data port interface configurations like Bit Rate, Flow
Control, etc.
Parameter Name
] [
Parameters List
] [
0 – Disable Forward Error Correction (FEC), a default setting
1 – Enable Reed-Solomon encoding
(0 – 255) – defines the ASCI code of the symbol indicating the end of a data
chunk of “Transparent w/EOT Character” protocol.
Indicates the number of address bytes of “STL” protocol’s data frame.
0 – Disables Clock Correction algorithm of STL protocol
1- Enables Clock Correction algorithm of STL protocol.
Parameter Name
Parameter List
Parameter Name
Parameter List
0 – Maintenance Port baud rate, a default setting
1 – 1200 baud
2 – 2400 baud
3 – 4800 baud
4 – 9600 baud
5 – 14400 baud
6 – 19200 baud
7 – 38400 baud
8 – 57600 baud
9 – 115200 baud, a default setting