POTSwap User Guide JA16-EVDO-UM
Page 7 Rev: P07 Date: 08/01/16
© Copyright 2016 Janus Remote Communications
Specifications subject to change without notice
All Rights Reserved See website for latest revision. Not intended for life support applications.
4 Configuration
Configuration of the POTSwap is available via communications with the SERIAL PORT connection. Configuration can
be accomplished by connecting a DTE terminal device (e.g. laptop or desktop computer running a terminal emulator)
to the SERIAL PORT using a straight-thru DB9 serial cable (DB9-M to DB9-F). Newer computers may require a USB
to serial port adaptor to complete the connection.
Figure 3 Serial Connection
Default communications protocol is 115200 baud, 8-N-1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) with no handshaking.
When the POTSwap is first powered on, it will output something similar to the following:
WireLine II Board - POTSwap - [FIRMWARE VERSION]
Audio via digital interface DVI, PCM to SLIC
DE910 Power-Up Mode
Board has SiLabs Wire Line Modem
E911 Voice Calling where system/configuration permit/allow,
Installer responsible for validation of service
25 Speaker Level
25 Microphone Level
1 Echo Cancellation
900 Open Switching Interval
30000 Dialing Tone Timeout
4000 Dialing Digit Timeout
6000 Busy Dwell Timeout
0 Fixed Format Dialing
0 Fail Over Mode
2 ADC Gain
4 DAC Gain
2 Loop Current Limit
0 Loop Closure Sensing Type
8 Loop Closure Threshold
The first line will contain the version number of the firmware in a YYMMDD (year, month, day) format. Following this
are the current configuration settings. Several of these parameters are user configurable and can be adjusted by
entering the CONFIG command during the power-up sequence.
Included in this output are the current configuration settings. Several of these parameters are user configurable and
can be adjusted by entering the CONFIG command during the power-up sequence.
About 15 seconds following the application of power, the unit offers a short interval wherein the user can enter the
terminal configuration menu. The following text will be output:
WireLine II Board - POTSwap
Entering Terminal Mode, 10 seconds to type first command
Type ? for help, Q to exit