POTSwap User Guide JA16-EVDO-UM
Page 10 Rev: P07 Date: 08/01/16
© Copyright 2016 Janus Remote Communications
Specifications subject to change without notice
All Rights Reserved See website for latest revision. Not intended for life support applications.
4 Configuration continued
Loop Closure Threshold
Sets loop closure (off-hook) sensing threshold.
Current sensing: 1.27 ma/unit (e.g. ‘8’=10.26 mA)
Voltage Sensing: 1.45 V/unit (e.g. ‘10’=14.50 V)
Recommended settings:
REN<=1: Current sensing; threshold=8 [default]
For REN>1 to REN=5: Voltage sensing; threshold=10
1. Available on firmware versions 140207 and higher
2. Available on firmware versions 140725 and higher
3. Available on firmware 150904 and higher
4. Available on firmware 160714 and higher.
D – DEFAULTS Command:
Entering the ‘D’ command will change all of the settings back to the factory defaults. These settings will not be
saved unless the ‘X’ Exit and Save command is issued. Older versions of firmware will request that the POTSwap
be restarted to effect the changes; current versions will restart automatically.
X – EXIT AND SAVE Command:
Entering the ‘X’ command will save any changes made using the ’M’ Modify or ‘D’ Defaults commands. This will
also exit the menu system and requires that the POTSwap be restarted either by pressing the RESET push button
or by un-powering and re-powering the unit.
Entering the ‘Q’ command will discard any changes made using the ’M’ Modify or ‘D’ Defaults commands. This
will also exit the menu system and requires that the POTSwap be restarted either by pressing the RESET push
button or by un-powering and re-powering the unit.