UMG 511
Confi guration menu
Once the network returns, the „Home“ measure-
ment value display is found on the start page.
• Browse to the menu confi guration with key 1.
If you are in a measurement value display for main
values, you use key 1 - „Home“ to directly access
the fi rst „Home“ measurement display. Open the
confi guration menu with key 1. Select with key 3
or 4 the required sub menu and activate the selec-
tion with key 6 (enter).
You can set the language for the measurement
value displays and menus directly in the „confi gu-
ration“ menu.
There are different languages to select between.
The preset language in the factory is „English“.
If the language fi eld is marked green, then the
desired language can be selected by means of
key 6 (enter) and the keys 3 or 4. Pressing the 6
key (enter) once more serves to confi rm the selec-
tion and change the language.