This manual is intended for you to read carefully so that you may enjoy your adult
three wheeler and be an informed rider aware of the benefits as well as the warn-
ings and safety issues in riding this tricycle.
A trike is not a bicycle and this manual contains specific information and warnings
that will let you enjoy your Miami Sun in comfort and safety.
Tricycling is a sport and a mode of transportation. With it comes the risk of an accident
that could result in injury and even death. By riding this trike you assume that risk.
We want to give you as much information as possible to make you a safer rider.
We cannot cover all contingencies but we can make you more aware and
Municipal bicycle regulations also apply to tricycles. Most states and municipalities
have bike regulations. It's up to you to research those regulations and become
informed. Your dealer may be able to help you with this information.
Since you will be sharing the road at times with other vehicles a good rule to fol-
low is "If you can't do it with a bicycle, don't do it with a trike."
A trike’s widest point is behind you, if the front goes by an obstacle there is no
guarantee that the rear wheels will also clear. When riding, you must give clear-
ance to the edge of the road or sidewalk. Stay clear of potholes and be aware that
you can lose control if any wheels should drop into a hole.
Always ride defensive. Watch out for the unexpected. This means everything from
cars to children, pets and rough road surfaces. Be prepared to avoid danger.
ALWAYS WEAR A BICYCLE HELMET. We recommend buying your helmet from
a dealer that can fit and instruct you on the correct way to wear this helmet.
Protecting your head is your primary safety responsibility.
Always wear a CPSC, ANZI, ASTMS, or SNELL approved bicycle helmet.
CPSC is the new federal standard and all helmets must comply by 1999.