Trike Coaster Brake & 3-Speed Coaster Brake
Conversion Instruction (Optional)
Helpful Hint:
The trike CB & 3-spd. C.B.
hub units are adjusted &
aligned the same way as you
would a CB wheel on
an ordinary bike.
When installing a coaster brake or 3-spd. coaster brake, you must substitute
the fixed sprocket for the free wheel.
Step 1-A)
Prepare CB hub unit by attaching
sprocket with concave side facing
outward from hub. Concave
sprocket faces in for the 3-spd. C.B.
Step 2-A)
Slide spacing washers on to axle on
brake arm side of CB unit. No washers
are used on 3-spd. C.B. hub unit.
(Fig. 13)