User Manual (Ver. 2.0) - Main Functions
GO-5000M-PMCL | GO-5000M-PMCL-EP | GO-5000M-PMCL-UV
- 39 -
Display Name
- Pulse Generator Clear Source
- Low
- High
- Frame Trigger Wait
- Frame Active
- Exposure Active
- Fval
- Lval
- CL_CC1_In
- Nand0 Out
- Nand1 Out
- Pulse Generator Inverter (Polarity) Pulse
Generator Clear Inverter
- False
- True
1. If Pulse Generator Repeat Count is set to “0”, the pulse generator works in free-running
2. The output of the same pulse generator cannot be connected to Clear input.
Sensor Layout
The CMOS sensor used on this camera have the following tap and pixel layout.