To install your Jabra LINk™ 14201-20 EHS
adapter with your Shoretel phone, just follow
these simple steps:
1. Install your headset solution to your desk
phone according to the headset manual.
2. Set “Clear dial tone switch” in “A” position
– see headset manual.
3. Ensure your headset base unit EHS mode is
set up to RHL – see headset manual.
4. With the cable included with your headset
system, connect the phone socket in your
headset base unit to the phone socket on
your Jabra LINk™ EHS Adapter.
5. With the cable marked white A, B, or C,
connect the Headset/Handset socket
on your Jabra LINk™ EHS Adapter to the
headset socket on your desk phone - ensure
you select the right cable for your Shoretel
desktop phone. See the Cable Matrix
6. With the cable marked purple, connect
the 2.5 mm jack to the ring tone detector
socket in the Jabra LINk™ EHS Adapter, and
place the ring sensor as close as possible to
the ringer sound outlet on your desk phone.
7. With the cable marked red, connect the
AUX socket on your headset base unit to
the Jabra LINk™ EHS Adapter AUX socket.
For more information and disclaimer, visit www.jabra.com
ElEctronic Hook SwitcH (EHS) SolutionS for SHorEtEl
calculatE your roi
The ROI calculator is a tool built by Jabra to make it easy for you to
calculate the payback time for a headset. All you have to do is key
in a few parameters (hours per day spent on the phone and average
salary) and, based on this 7.5-minutes-per-hour average time saving,
the tool will calculate the number of days until your customers’
companies recoup their investment.
SEt up information