This product is designed to be used with Cigar Jack Power.
In case of using direct electric power (B+ Power) of car, please discuss with a
specialist, and any problem occurred in this case will belong to users responsibility.
3. Cautions in Use
3-1. Cautions
Performing while driving can be a cause of accident. Always park the car in a safe
place first before operating the device.
Check the installation status before driving. Driving under the physical conditions
such as uneven, a sharp curve in the road with unstable installation might cause
In using vehicle power, please first check if there is no problem with the power
supply before connecting the device to the cigar jack adaptor. Any sudden power
spike may damage the device.
This product is designed to automatically record a video file, triggered by a user-
defined level impact to your car. The manufacturer does not guarantee about
every impacts on your car to trigger this function.
Prevent any foreign substance to come in contact with the memory card or the
internal parts of this device, as it might cause malfunctions.
Keep the lens clean and avoid any obstacles in the camera angle to get the clear
Do not put other substances around the device. It can be mirrored through the
windows and recorded with accident images.