3.3.3 Configuration of the subnet mask
The subnet mask states which part of the IP address describes the network. All
bits set to 1 in this mask mark the network part of the address.
Subnet mask[]?
To change the subnet-mask, the mask is entered in the IP- address notation. If
the mask is to be retained, acknowledgement is made with <ENTER> without
any further entry.
3.3.4 Configuration of the gateway address
If the network consists of several subnets connected via gateways, the IP address
of the default gateway or of the default router must be entered.
Gateway address[]?
To change the gateway address, the address is entered in the IP-address notation.
To retain the displayed address, the value in brackets is acknowledged with
<ENTER> without any further entry.
3.4 Configuration of the root password
For access to the gateway the root password is necessary. The password can con-
sists of a maximum of 19 characters. This could be letters, numbers or special
Do you want to change the root password?[N]
By entering <ENTER> or N+<ENTER> the configuration of the password can be
With Y+<ENTER> the configuration is started.
Enter root password for access:
Please enter the already root password. After entering the password press <EN-
Success, access granted…!
The entered password was ok, the configuration of the password can go on.
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CAN@net Manual, Version 1.7