4T operation:
The start current and crater current can be pre-set. This function can compensate the possible
crater that appears at the beginning and end of the welding. Thus, 4T is suitable for the welding
of medium thickness plates.
● 0:
Press and hold the gun switch, Electromagnetic gas valve is turned on. The shielding
gas stars to flow;
● 0~t1:
Pre-gas time (0.1~1S);
● t1~t2: Arc is ignited at t1 and then output the setting value of start current;
(DC:10-170A; AC:10-200A)
● t2:
Loosen the gun switch, the output current slopes up from the start current; (0.0-10sec)
● t2~t3: The output current rises to the setting value (Iw or Ib), the upslope time can be ad-
justed; (DC:10-170A; AC:10-200A)
● t3~t4: Welding process. During this period, the gun switch is loosen;
Select the pulsed output, the base current and welding current will be outputted
alternately; otherwise, output the setting value of welding current;
● t4:
Press the torch switch again, the welding current (DC:10-170A; AC:10-200A) will drop
in accordance with the selected down-slope time. (0.0-10sec)
● t4~t5: The output current slopes down to the crater current. The downslope time can be
● t5~t6: The crater current time;
● t6:
Loosen the gun switch, stop arc and keep on argon flowing;
● t6~t7: Post-gas time can be set by the post-gas time adjustment knob on the front panel
● t7:
Electromagnetic valve is closed and stop argon flowing. Welding is finished.
I (A)
t (s)
0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7