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iWave Systems Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Zynq Ult MPSoC (ZU11/17/19EG) SOM DevKit Hardware User Guide
FireFly Connector
The Zynq Ult MPSoC (ZU11/17/19EG) Carrier board supports one FireFly Connector through GTY transceiver
of Zynq Ult MPSoC (ZU11/17/19EG) PL. GTY transceiver of PL Bank128 Channel0 to Channel3 from Board to
Board Connector3 is connected to FireFly data connector(J5). Also PS I2C0 is connected to this connector for control
and configuration. All other contorl signals of FireFly connnector is connected from IO Expander. And FireFly module
power is supplied from FireFly power connector (J3). This FireFly data with power connector (J5) is physically located
at the top of the board as shown below.
Figure 24 FireFly Connector