insTAllATiOn direcTiVe
MAY 2006
N45 MNA M10
N67 MNA M15
Supplementary services battery
To assure that the engine can be started with a sufficient
quantity of energy, it is advisable to provide for the installation
of a supplementary battery, dedicated to supplying power to
the on-board electrical services. The power line to recharge
it may be constructed according to the indications provided
in Chapter 20.
if one engine is installed
The battery used for services may be recharged interposing
on the power supply line a relay actuated by the recharge
signal of the alternator’s electronic regulator (D+).
if two engines are installed
The presence of two generators allows to keep the recharg-
ing functions separated: the generator (G1) recharges the
battery (AC1) dedicated to starting both engines and pow-
ering both electrical/electronic control circuits, whilst the
generator (G2) recharges the battery (AC2) used to power
the services.
In two-engine applications, it is essential to connect the
engine grounds to a common potential; the solution pro-
posed in Chapter 20 fully complies with this need, assuring
the full functionality and independence of the two circuits.
Power supply line
1.Alternator - 2. Electric starter motor - 3. Battery -
4. Engine wire harness - 5. This conductor is present on the
engine wiring - 6. This conductor must be parallel connected
to the existing one.
The connection of the +B terminal of the alternator to the
po30 terminal of the electric starter motor must be
achieved with a conductor having a cross section of at least
20 mm
. On the engine wiring there is a 6 mm2 section
conductor: a 16 mm2 section or – or higher – conductor
must be connected to it. The connection of the po30
terminal of the electric starter motor to the positive pole of
the battery, achieved with a conductor having a cross section
of at least 70 mm
, allows to obtain, as shown in the figure,
the simultaneous connection of the alternator to the battery.
On the same +30 terminal of the start-up electric engine
it is necessary to connect the eye battery lead connection
marked with “+ BAT (MM)”. The connection between the
engine ground and the negative pole of the battery must be
achieved according to the guidelines provided in the Engine
electrical ground paragraph.
do not use any magneto-thermal activation protection
items to stop engine. Using off-the-shelf equipment, you
stop the engine energizing the proper solenoid valve. in
lack of power supply you could not stop the engine.
power supply