Proving the Intelis Gas Meter Using the
Measurement Systems Proving System
This section provides the information to set up an Intelis Gas Meter using a Measurement
Systems proving system.
Proving the Intelis Gas Meter requires Measurement Systems prover software. See
the Measurement Systems prover documentation for version requirements.
Temper meters unpackaged and uncapped in the proving area for 24 hours prior to testing. If
tempering is not possible, follow the instructions described in
Temper the Meter by Exercising
. If the meters are tempered, continue to
Follow your company's standard operating procedures regarding the use
of personal protection equipment (PPE). Adhere to guidelines issued by your
company in addition to those contained in this document when proving meters.
Adjust the proving table to accommodate the height of the Intelis Gas Meter. If necessary, use
the Intelis Gas Meter prover stand (Itron part number FIX-7100-001). Place the prover stand on
the prover table and set the meter on the stand. See the image below for reference.
To hold the meter properly in place, the meter should be placed in the fixture such that
the meter flange is below the fixture's edge.
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