PAMSPAN501x G.SHDSL.bis EFM Gateway
The attacker floods the network with ICMP packets that are not Echo requests,
stealing bandwidth needed for legitimate services. The device detects an attempted
ICMP flood if it receives more than 100 ICMP packets per second from a single
host. To modify this default threshold, enter:
security set IDS MaxICMP <max>
Once this threshold is exceeded, traffic originating from the attacker is blocked for
1800 seconds by default. To modify this default duration, enter:
security set IDS DOSattackblock <duration>
Ping Flood
The attacker floods the network with pings, using bandwidth needed for legitimate
services. The device detects an attempted ping flood if it receives more than 15
pings per second from a single host. To modify this default threshold, enter:
security set IDS MaxPING <max>
Once this threshold is exceeded, traffic originating from the attacker is blocked for
1800 seconds by default. To modify this default duration, enter:
security set IDS DOSattackblock <duration>