PAMSPAN501x G.SHDSL.bis EFM Gateway
Field Definition of Bridge Interface
Name of this Interface
Enter Filter Type
The Enter Filter Type field allows the user to
choose IP or PPPOE, which allows control over
the filtering of Internet transmission packets, such
as 080x or 886x.
In Frame Count
The number of incoming packets.
Out Frame Count
The number of outgoing packets.
Transit Delay Discards
The number of frames discarded due to transit
Buf Overflow Discards
The number of frames discarded due to buffer
Port Pvid
The Port Pvid is the Port VLAN ID setting, is
non-configurable and is always enabled, i.e. the
bridge supports the ability to override the default
Pvid setting and its egress status (VLAN tagged
or untagged) on each bridge interface.
Ingress Filtering Status
This specifies whether the bridge interface
discards incoming VLAN tagged frames for a
VLAN that does not have this interface in its
Egress interface list, or it accepts all incoming
Frame Access Type
This command enables control over the types
(Tagged or Untagged) packets. When choosing
ALL, the system will accept either Tagged or
Untagged packets. When choosing Tagged, the
system will only accept Tagged packets.
Port Default User Priority
This command enables control over the priority of
ports. “0” means the highest priority. “7” is the
Num Traffic Classes
A Traffic Class specifies a mechanism that can be
used to match incoming and/or outgoing packets
on a router's interface.
Regen Priority
This command specifies the mapping of user
priorities in the incoming frames to the
regenerated user priority that will be used for
traffic class mapping as well as set in the VLAN
tag of the outgoing frame.
Traffic Class Map
This command specifies the mapping of
regenerated priority to their traffic class values.
Unknown Vlan Discards
The number of unknown VLANs that have been
discarded by the system.
Ingress Filtering Discards
The number of incoming frames that have been
filtered and discarded by the system.
Unaccept Frame Type
The number of unaccepted frames that have been
discarded by the system.
Enable or Disable this interface.
4. Spanning Bridge Interface consist of the status, path cost, and priority used for
spanning tree protocol of the bridge interface. Spanning tree allows a network design
to include spare (redundant) links to provide automatic backup paths if an active link
fails, without the danger of bridge loops, or the need for manual enabling/disabling
the backup links. Bridge loops must be avoided to prevent flooding the network.