PAMSPAN501x G.SHDSL.bis EFM Gateway
g. Enable UDP Session Chaining - select Allow or Block depending on whether
multi-level UDP and TCP session chaining is to be allowed. Enable Session
Chaining must be set to allow if this is to work.
h. Binary Address Replacement - select Allow or Block depending on whether
binary address replacement is to be used on an existing trigger.
i. Address Translation Type - specify what type of address replacement is set on a
trigger. Binary Address Replacement must be set to allow if this is to work.
3. Once the trigger has been configured, click
. The Current Security Trigger
page will be displayed, containing details of the trigger that has just been
4. Each trigger displayed in the Current Security Trigger page has a Delete
hyperlink assigned to it. To delete a trigger, click this link, and then click the Delete
button on the confirmation page.The Current Security Trigger page will be
displayed and details of the deleted trigger(s) have been removed. There are two
hyperlinks on the page:
a. To add a new trigger, click
New Trigger
b. To display the Security Interface Configuration page, click
Return to Interface
Configuring Intrusion Detection Settings
Intrusion Detection Settings (IDS)
are network protection features that can be
configured to guard against certain
Denial of Service
port scanning
. Any
attempts to attack or scan the network will cause the traffic originating from the
attacking machine to be blacklisted for a set time.
Basic IDS Configuration
To enable/disable IDS and display status are shown as follows.
firewall {enable|disable} IDS
firewall show IDS
Equal to
security enable IDS
security disable IDS
security show IDS