Itamar Medical Ltd.
x Device
Operation Manual
available in the tabular report (Excel or HTML), and in the patient report as the last page
which includes also some graphical results. See Figure 49and Figure 50 for the information
presented in the report.
Figure 49- Time domain HRV in the report
Figure 50- Frequency domain HRV in the report
The EndoPAT™ device has been used in the Framingham Heart Studies for several years.
2008 Circulation paper by Hamburg et al (Cross-Sectional Relations of Digital Vascular
Function to Cardiovascular Risk Factors in the Framingham Heart Study) presented an index
to be used with the EndoPAT™ device, termed here as FRHI. Basically it is a natural log
transform of the ratio between the post to pre occluded PAT™ amplitudes and the same ratio
of the PAT™ amplitudes measured at the control arm. FRHI does not incorporate a
correction to the baseline, and is using shorter post occlusion times (1.5-2minutes) than the
Researchers that want to use this index for research purposes can ask Itamar Medical to
enable this index as part of the registration process.