Itamar Medical Ltd.
x Device
Operation Manual
Review and Analysis
During a PAT™ study, recorded signals are viewed in the display window, based on the
appearance of the traces, a qualitative evaluation can be performed. However, subsequent
review of the study using the special features described in this chapter facilitates a
quantitative analysis of the acquired data.
It is recommended to review each study upon completion of its recording.
Study Data Retrieval
Locate the desired study by searching for the patient record and selecting the EndoPATx
study or from the list of recent EndoPATx studies (0 and 4.6.2).
Selecting the desired study opens the Study PAT Signal Review Screen (4.6.3)
Automatic Analysis
Click the Wand
Icon in the editing toolbar to perform the automatic analysis.
The automatic analysis identifies the occlusion borders and marks with two vertical blue
lines its beginning and end, and also marks blue the whole signals area between these two
lines. Proper identification of the occlusion area is critical for the automatic analysis to
correctly select the regions and time references used in its calculations. The user should
verify that the marking of the occlusion area appears properly. If the automatically marked
occlusion area appears wrong, it can be manually corrected as described in section 7.2.1.
If manual corrections are performed, click the Wand
Icon to perform the analysis
based on edits performed.
Study results will appear in the Study Results section (4.6.3).
The AI (Augmentation Index) is one of the additional / Research
parameters, and it is calculated and presented only if enabled as
part of the license.
The RHI (Reactive Hyperemia Index) or LnRHI (natural log of RHI) is the post-to-pre
occlusion PAT™ signal ratio in the occluded arm, relative to the same ratio in the control
arm, corrected for baseline vascular tone of the occluded arm where: