Itamar Medical Ltd.
x Device
Operation Manual
Normal EndoScore™:
RHI > 1.67 or LnRHI > 0.51
Abnormal EndoScore™:
RHI ≤ 1.67 or LnRHI ≤ 0.51
The HR (Heart Rate) is calculated from the PAT™ signals in the baseline region of interest.
Manual Correction of the Occlusion Borders
Click the eraser icon in the Editing toolbar to clear all markings from previous analyses.
Select the occlusion borders as follow:
Position the mouse's cursor on the occluded PAT™ tracing so that it points at the beginning
of the occlusion. Click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor rightwards
until it points at the end of the occlusion area. The selected area will have inverted colors and
as you mark it, the length of the selected period will be marked just below Probe A or Probe
B on the left hand side of the screen in blue. Release the mouse button. Position the mouse's
cursor within the occlusion area. Right click on the mouse will open a popup menu. “Select
Occlusion Period” option to set the manually selected occlusion area. Occlusion markers can
be dragged to improve the fit of the occlusion area. Zoom-in to fine tune the location of the
occlusion markers.
Once the manually selected occlusion is marked, click on the icon to run the automatic
analysis using the manually selected occlusion area.
Manual changes of the occlusion borders are automatically saved
Study Report
To review the study report select the “View report” option.
There are several pages in the Report. The first page contains data about the patient, the study,
traces of the signals and the basic results (RHI/LnRHI and HR). The second page is Risk
Factor page (when the risk score is calculated). It contains information about the selected
Risk Factor method, the patient information used in the calculation, the Risk Factor result,
and the expected change in Risk with age.
The 3
and 4
pages contain data about the Augmentation Index and Hart Rate Variability
(HRV) and will only be included in the report when these features are included in the license
file and calculated.
x study results
EndoScore™ result: RHI and LnRHI
The RHI (Reactive Hyperemia Index) is the post-to-pre occlusion PAT™ signal ratio in the
occluded arm, relative to the same ratio in the control arm, corrected for baseline vascular
tone of the occluded arm where: