altitude and displays the corresponding altitude rank.
Mode display: This shows Dive plan mode.
Nitrox Icon: This Icon is ON when NITROX has been set for MIX1 or MIX2.It blinks if the
MIX1 and MIX2 setting is the default setting.
Don’t Fly Icon: While computer calculates desaturation time, this icon turned on at Time
Mode. When the computer has finished calculating desaturation time and Time Mode is over
12 hours, this Icon is turned off.
Desaturation time: This indicates the time remaining of nitrogen until the body’s internal
nitrogen is desaturated. The time is counted down to 0:00, it turns off after 1 minute.
Surface time: This is interval time after dive. Surface time is counted starting from when
the depth shown in Dive mode reaches 1.5 meters (5 feet) or less. If the depth changes back
to 1.5 meters (5 feet) or more in less than 10 minutes, the previous dive mode is continued.
Surface time is continued for 48 hours. After that, surface time is turned off after 1 minute.
Button functions
A: Press this switch to decrease one to the depth rank.
B: Press this switch to move to dive log mode.
C: Press this switch to add one to the depth rank.
D: When water is detected, the mode moves to dive mode.
Auto return: The display automatically returns to time mode when no switches are used for
2-3 minutes.
B: Press and hold this switch for 1-2 seconds to move to time mode.
2.2.4. Dive Log Mode
<Display 1>
Description of Functions
Dive log mode provides functions for recording various data during a dive when the dive depth
is at least 1.5 meters (5 feet) and the dive time is at least 3 minutes. Data is recorded during
each successive dive, and the log data storage capacity is about 30 hours of dive time (when
the profile's sampling time is set at 30 seconds), or up to 60 log data entries. If the logged dive
time exceeds 30 hours or the
number of log data entries exceeds 60, the oldest data is automatically deleted. (See the
section describing profile mode for further description of log data and profile data.) The logged
data is described below.
Battery indicator Icon: This Icon the current battery voltage.
Log number: This indicates the number of the log entry being recorded among the recorded
Dive date/Dive entry time/ Dive exit time: This is diving information. Dive date is the date of
the dive. Dive entry time is the time at the start of the dive. Dive exit time is the time at the
end of the dive. Both Dive entry time and Dive exit time is 24 tense.
PGT (Pressure Gas in Tissue) graph: This indicates the level of Nitrogen with nine level
indicators at the end of the dive.
OLI (Oxygen Limited Indicator) graph: This indicates the level of Oxygen limit with eight
level indicators at the end of the dive.
Altitude rank: This is the altitude rank during the dive.
Nitrox Icon: This Icon is ON when NITROX has been set for MIX1 or MIX2 which was used
while diving.It blinks if the MIX1 and MIX2 setting is the default setting.
Fraction of oxygen(=FO
) :It displays the FO
which was used while diving.
Dive time: This is the dive time.
Water temperature:water temperature at maximum depth. The measurement range: -5.0 to
F). It display ‘Lo’ when water temperature is under -5
F). It display
‘Hi’ when water temperature is over 40.0
User Safety Factor(=USF): When the level is “0” the usual algorithm is used for calculations.
When the level is “1” and “2” the next higher altitude rank is used for calculations. The
default setting is “0”.
Average depth: It is diving average water depth. If depth is over 99.9m(328ft), this
display is ‘---’. In Gage mode,if depth is over 199.9m(656ft), this display is ‘---’.
Maximum depth: This is the maximum depth recorded during a dive. If depth is over
99.9m(328ft), this display is ‘---’. In Gage mode,If depth is over 199.9m(656ft), this display is
Ascent rate indicator: This is the maximum Ascent rate recorded during a dive
Sea/Fresh Icon: This indicates the water setting (sea water/fresh water).
Gage mode Icon: In gage mode, the Icon is on.
Mode display: This shows Dive log mode.
These are warnings that can occur during a dive. For further description of these warnings see
the ‘dive mode’ section.