Frequencies below this point will still be boosted or cut, just not as
much, and as the frequency in the signal decreases, the amount
will dimini
sh to 0. This is a ‘shelf EQ’ type section that remains
nominally flat at high frequencies.
C) POST EQ Function
1. POST EQ (OFF or ON): Turns off or on the 4-band parametric EQ
section that follows the clipper.
See the graph on the previous
page for an explanation of how a parametric equalizer works.
For distorted presets, these parameters have the largest influence
on the tone. The fully parametric nature of these sections with
adjustable frequencies and bandwidths give you the power to
create nearly any tone you want.
2. BASS (0 to +15 dB): The level of boost of the bass EQ.
BASS (40 Hz to 240 Hz): The ‘turnover’ or upper frequency at
which the amount of bass boost begins to lose effect. Frequencies
above this point will still be boosted, just not as much, and as
frequency in the signal increases, the amount will diminish to 0.
This is a shelf type section.
4. MID1 LEVEL (-15 dB to +15 dB): The level of cut or boost at the
center frequency in the first midrange section.
5. MID1 FREQ (88 Hz to 6000 Hz): The center frequency of the first
midrange section.
6. MID1 BW (0.1 OCT to 2.5 OCT): The approximate width in octaves
of the midrange boost or cut. Beyond this width, the curve will
slowly transition back to 0 if the bass and treble are set flat.
7. MID2 LEVEL (-15 to +15): The level of cut or boost at the center
frequency of the second midrange section.
8. MID2 FREQ (88 Hz to 6000 Hz): The center frequency of the
second midrange section.
9. MID2 BW (0.1 OCT to 2.5 OCT): The approximate width in octaves
of the midrange boost or cut.
10. TREBLE (-15 to +15 dB): The level of the treble EQ.
11. TREBLE FREQ (2000 Hz to 12.0kHz): The lower frequency at
which the amount of treble boost or cut begins to lose effect.
Frequencies below this point will still be boosted or cut, just not as
much, and as the frequency in the signal decreases the amount will
diminish to 0. This is a ‘shelf EQ’ type section that remains
nominally flat at high frequencies.
12. DECIMATOR (OFF or ON): Turning the VALUE knob turns off or
on the DECIMATOR noise reduction.