Note: there are three controls that adjust a parametric
equalizer including BOOST
The graph below shows an EQ response curve with a center
frequency of 100Hz and also at 1KHz. The MID
“LEVEL” on the
THETA PRO DSP will adjust the amount of Boost or Cut applied to
the signal. The MID FREQUENCY
, “FREQ” adjusts the center
frequency as shown below allowing you to select the center point or
peak frequency you are boosting or cutting. The MID BANDWIDTH
“BW” is the bandwidth of the frequencies being boosted or cut and
is selected as OCTAVES. An OCTAVE setting of .1 will be a
narrow band of frequencies that are affected by the boost or cut
approximately .1 octaves at 3bd down from the peak frequency. An
OCTAVE setting of 2.5 will be a much broader portion of the
spectrum that is affected by the boost or cut approximately 2.5
octaves at 3db down from the peak frequency. This type of
equalization allows much more precise adjustment of tone shaping
than typical Bass, Mid, Treble controls.
11. PRE MID (88 Hz to 6000 Hz): The center frequency of the
midrange boost or cut. It is typically set in the 300 to 2000 Hz
12. PRE MID (0.1 to 2.5 OCT): The approximate width in octaves of
the midrange boost or cut. Beyond this width, the curve will slowly
transition back to 0 if the bass and treble are set flat.
13. PRE TREBLE (-15 dB to +15 dB): The level of pre-clip treble EQ.
14. PRE TREBLE (2000 Hz to 12.0kHz): The lower frequency at
which the amount of pre treble boost or cut begins to lose effect.