a. DELAY (OFF or ON): Turns the delay OFF or ON. Controlled by
the VALUE knob or the DELAY switch. Turning the Delay OFF
mutes both the input and output of the delay, so the delayed output
stops immediately.
b. DELAY LEVEL (OFF to 0 dB): Controls the level of the delayed
c. REGEN LEVEL (OFF to 0 dB): Controls the level of successive
repeats of the delay, and therefore the number of repeats that can
be heard. If set to
–10 dB, each echo will be 10 dB lower than the
one before it.
d. DELAY TIME (10 ms to 1300 ms): 1300 ms = 1.3 seconds. The
delay time can also be set by pressing the 2
switch, then pressing
twice (tapping) on the DELAY switch. The time interval between
taps will set the delay time. You can tap twice again to change the
setting. If the interval between taps exceeds 1300 ms, the delay
time will be set to 1300ms. If you only tap once, after a few
seconds the time will be set to 1300 ms. Press 2
again to exit the
tap function.
e. DELAY PAN (0 to 100): Pans the delay output. 0 is fully Left, 100
is fully Right, and 50 is centered.
K) REVERB Function
a. REVERB (OFF or ON): Turns the reverb OFF or ON. Controlled
by the VALUE knob or the REVERB switch. Turning the Reverb
OFF mutes only the input to the reverb, so the reverberated output
‘spills over’, even if set to OFF in the next preset.
b. REVERB DECAY (0 to 99): Sets the relative decay time of the
c. REVERB HFDAMP (0 to 99): Set at 0, the highs will decay at the
same rate as the lower frequencies. At larger settings, the highs
will decay more rapidly than the lows, so the room will sound
‘darker’. A setting of around 20 will sound more natural, since real
rooms always absorb high frequencies faster than lows.
d. ROOM SIZE (SMALL, MEDIUM, or LARGE): With other settings
being equal, a larger room will have a longer decay time, since it
will take more time for the sound to travel from one surface to
L) SWITCH Function
the action of the PHASER/TREMOLO switch and LED. Set to
PHASER, the switch will turn off or on the phaser, or if 2
activated, the switch will allow tap setting of the phaser rate. The
LED will show the phaser is on by blinking at the set rate. If this