preparation of passage points for electri-
cal connections to be used according to
the type of mechanical fixing.
points for mechanical fixing directly to the wall or insertion of quick
coupling systems for suspended version
Below is a summary of the steps to follow for fixing the structure:
define the position of the UVC corner module within the work environment
prepare the electrical connections on site, starting from the control console towards the UVC corner modules; for this
aspect, refer to the indications in the paragraph on connection to the electricity network
fix the UVC corner module to the wall / ceiling considering that the support surface is adequate for the weight of the
device and using fixing systems suitable for the type of material where the anchor is made.
If the UVC corner module is to be installed suspended because it is anchored to the ceiling, it is necessary to:
I°) I
dentify the position on the ceiling where to fix the UVC corner module and,
considering the center distance indicated in the overall dimensions, fix the two thre-
aded plates with the central screw supplied.
threaded plate
Insert the steel support cable on each conical end and screw the conical
end to the previously fixed plate, so that the 2 steel cables descend from the
ceiling and will anchor themselves to the corresponding quick clamps on the
metal structure.
Metal support struc-
Insert the steel cable that descends from the ceiling on each of the 2
quick hooks.
The quick couplings have the upper final part that acts as a cable clamp that
must be screwed once the position of the two parts has been determined. By
unscrewing the cable clamp and pushing it downwards, you can slide the
steel cable to determine the correct height position.
steel cable
Quick coupling
Cable clamp
After adjusting the desired height, the part of the excess steel cables, which
will come out from the internal part of the structure, can be cut before assem-
bly of the internal support.
It is important not to leave the excess steel cord free inside the
structure, under penalty of possible contact with potentially dange-
rous electrical parts.
For suspended installations it is also necessary to adapt the electrical con-
nections which must descend in correspondence with the rear entrance holes.
conical ending
Sensor side to face:
towards the floor with fixing on vertical wall
towards the center of the room with ceiling fixing
For further technical information on the sensor, refer to the specific characteri-
stics included with the product documentation