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Revision 06
Breakaway operation.
Normally this is only configured with a video and audio switcher combination. The following information is
included in case 2 + 2 audio breakaway operation is desired.
As per CPS-1220 normal operation.
As per CPS-1220 normal operation.
As per CPS-1220 normal operation.
PL 4 on the 1 - 10 switch control panel is then connected to PL 4 on the rear of the switcher.
PL 4 on the 11 - 20 switch control panel is then connected to PL 6 on the 1 - 10 switch control panel using the
300 mm cable provided (GDW-3011).
PL 5 on the 1 - 10 switcher control panel is then connected to PL4 on the switcher PCB using the 150 mm cable
provided (GDW-3010).
Disconnect PL 5 on the switcher PCB and connect PL 5 on the rear of the switcher to PL 5 on the 11 - 20 switch
Check the position of links LK 2 & LK 3 on the switch logic PCB's.
For the 1 - 10 switch PCB LK 2 should be OUT.
For the 11 - 20 switch PCB LK 2 should be OUT.
For switch panel to operate as tally only LK 3 should be in position A on both PCB's.
For front panel switches to be operative LK 3 should be in position B on both PCB's.
As per CPS-1210.
As per CPS-1210.
Signal connections are by means of BNC sockets mounted on the rear of the printed circuit board and protruding
through the rear panel of the chassis.
If input termination is required then BNC termination plugs should be fitted to the secondary input sockets.
The expansion input is terminated in 75 Ohms as there is no loop through requirement for this function.
Connect inputs as required. There is no need to make any connection to unused inputs and it is not necessary to
connect inputs in sequential order without gaps.
Two outputs are provided for each channel. These are identical, but are passively isolated so that loading on one
does not significantly effect the other. Normally, one output will be used for the signal destination and one for
local monitoring.
When configuring a switcher to act as inputs 11 – 20, either output may be used to feed the cascade input of the
1 - 10 switcher.