Moving and Towing to the Job Site
7. Lock Jack UP
To provide adequate ground clearance while towing, secure the jack in the UP position.
8. Tow to Desired
Tow log splitter carefully to desired work site.
(See Step Three: Before Each Use – Work Site Selection and Set-Up)
Important safety instructions
Added length
. Be aware of the added length of the splitter.
Speed limit
. Never tow the BHVH2418GX or BHVH3018GX log splitter over 45
mph. Road conditions permitting, the BHVH3018GXT may be towed at up to 55
mph. Faster speeds may result in loss of control.
Rough terrain
. Drive slowly and take extra caution when traveling over
rough terrain.
On public roads
. If towing on a public road, make sure to comply with all
local, state, and federal towing requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the
purchaser to obtain licensing, trailer lights, safety chains or signage, as needed
to comply.
. Turn off the towing vehicle before leaving the splitter
Under the influence
. Never tow or operate this splitter while under the
influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication.
9. Lock jack
DOWN and
Lock jack in the DOWN position and disconnect from vehicle.
NEVER operate log splitter while it is attached to the vehicle.
Lock the jack down and open the coupler latch assembly.
Unhitch from vehicle.
Lock jack in