13105-EN Rev E
Introduction 1
Indications for Use
The G-Probe
Device, used with an IRIDEX laser, is indicated for transscleral photocoagulation
(TSCPC) of the ciliary processes and is typically used when:
• The patient has failed prior filtration surgery and is expected to fail further filtration surgery.
• The patient has a secondary glaucoma in which failure is a likely outcome of filtration surgery
(e.g., neovascular, inflammatory, postpenetrating keratoplasty, postscleral buckling).
• The patient has lost ambulatory level vision and is being treated with cyclophotocoagulation for
comfort or to prevent further visual loss.
• The patient is not a surgical candidate for filtration surgery.
• Any situation where the target tissue cannot be adequately visualized or stabilized.
• Do not treat albino patients who have no pigmentation.
Clinical Warnings
• Excessive treatment power may cause ciliary body hemorrhage.
• Excessive power delivered at short pulse durations may result in choroidal hemorrhage.
• Excessive energy may cause peripheral lens damage.
• Presence of heavy perilimbal conjunctival pigmentation can result in local absorption and burns;
therefore, avoid areas of intense pigmentation.
• Keep the fiber-optic tip clean to avoid thermal damage at the site of application.
• More than slight conjunctival burns are not typical. If they occur, then replace the G-Probe.
• Avoid areas of significant scleral scarring, which may be thin and inelastic.
• Keep the conjunctiva well irrigated at all times.
• Do not drag or rotate G-Probe on the globe.